Thursday, December 22, 2011

Update 42

We are headed for an unexpected trip to Milwaukee tomorrow. Earlier this week we noticed a bump on Thaddeus' incision spot. It is in the same spot his infection was before. I placed a call to Children's and they told us to keep an eye on it since Thaddeus didn't have a fever, didn't seem extra irritable, and the spot didn't have that red around it that an infection gets. Well, since it didn't get better, we took him into the Pediatrician in Fond du Lac today. She didn't like the look of it and wanted the surgery team to look at it. She also had some blood drawn to check his white blood cell count and his CRP level. (Same stuff they checked last time.) Since his CRP was high, she gave him more anti-biotics. However his white count was not elevated at all, so either we caught it early or he is fighting it well or both. I will take him down to Milwaukee so Tim the surgical PA can take a look at him. (Same guy who looked at him and drained the spot last time.) They will decided what they want to do with it. Last time they drained the fluid and tested it to see what kind of infection it is. Right now the anti-biotic is a 10 day one and is oral, so there is no reason we couldn't keep him out of the hospital, unless they want to put him back on the super duper burn your veins out anti-biotic. We shall see. We are not sure what this means for our camping next week, but since we won't be much farther away from Children's then we are here, I don't think it will necessitate canceling the trip.  

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