Earlier this week we went in for what should be our last trip to the hospital until it is delivery time. They did another ultrasound and another echo-cardiogram. They discovered that Thaddeus is five pounds and ten ounces. This puts him in the 61st percentile for his age and on track to be well over seven pounds when he is born (Lord willing) February 10th. They also found him "practice breathing" which is a baby workout designed to strengthen the muscles for breathing. This is a good sign. When inspecting the heart, they did not find anything new. In many ways that is a GOOD thing. They found fluid where there should be some and none where there should not be. If the heart is not doing enough, fluid will begin to pool around the heart. This is majorly bad, so no out of place fluid is very good. Everyone in the family out of the womb is sick right now, so in some ways Thaddeus is doing the best of us all! Dede will continue to go in to the doctor here in Fond du Lac twice a week until it is delivery time, but otherwise he should be good to go in a month!
We have set the wheels in motion to get the baptism underway. Since he will be under "lock down" in the ICU, it is a little more complicated than just having pastor walk into the hospital room, but we plan to have it done on Friday the 11th. I will also be able to donate blood when Thaddeus is born, and if he is the same blood type, they will use it for the surgery.
Everything else remains on track. I am trying to get as far ahead on the homework for my graduate class as I can. Five days prior to delivery Dede will go on the waiting list for the Ronald McDonald house. I am planning on pre-preparing some meals, and the kids can't wait to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa!
I have added some more people to the mailing list. Sorry for not getting you on sooner. I have included the visual aid that went out with update one for anyone who missed it.
Also a great big thanks to all the people who have made it possible for Dede and I to get down to Milwaukee for these monthly checkups.

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