Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thaddeus Update 62

My students some times ask me why God doesn't do miracles anymore. I always tell them that He still does, we just often don't recognize it. For example, two and a half years ago, a technician placed a small device on Dede's belly and from that was able to tell that our unborn baby's heart was not forming correctly. We can explain the science behind it, but if you really think about it, that is amazing. When we met with the doctors at CHW they explained to us the plan. Amazingly, the plan was not to start planning a funeral. Think about the birth. They were able to give Dede a drug to have Thaddeus be born on the day we picked for him to be born. Then they were able to give Thaddeus a drug to trick his heart into thinking he hadn't been born yet so that he could survive the few days between birth and surgery. Then, three different times, they went in and disconnected and  rearranged parts of his heart and inserted extra parts. Just think about that for a moment. They disconnected body parts from his heart and connected them other places. While he was still alive. Then on top of all of those miracles, we ended up with a cardiologist who not only puts up with me, but gets my sense of humor. You can't tell me that is a coincidence! SO does God still perform miracles? Thaddeus is two years old today. He is developing very well physically and mentally. He is active and happy. He even WILLINGLY takes his meds twice a day. Yea, I'd say God still performs miracles.

Thaddeus has his two year checkup tomorrow. They will look at his development as well as his health. We expect a good report as his vocabulary is increasing daily and he is forming more sentences. He also loves to play tricks and can be quite clever. His physical development seems to be progressing well also. On the last several checks he was behind about the same amount of time that he has spent in the hospital.  Hopefully this will start to even itself out as time goes on. He also will be evaluated again in March by the cardiologist. We are hopping to lose the two diuretics at that time. The other three meds could very well be  long term. At this point we have no other surgeries or procedures planned. It is possible that he might need to have some procedure or operation done in a maintenance capacity but otherwise there is nothing big until he would need a transplant. Lord willing, that won't be until we have been able to enjoy many more happy birthdays with him.


Happy Birthday!

Charlie and Thaddeus working out.

Thaddeus is putting a memory card in the computer. He is actually putting it in the right spot!

Thaddeus plays chess with his brother.