Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Update 14

Thaddeus went into surgery around 3:00 PM on Wednesday. Much of the prep work had been done already, so it didn't take them too long to get into it. We were told around 8:00 PM that surgery was done. By 9:00 PM we were able to see him as they took him back into the room. At 10:15 they were ready for us to come to the room and be with him. We found out that all went as planed, except the arch repair. That actually went a little better than we were told it might. They did widen it but they did not need a patch of artificial material. The surgeon was able to do the procedure using Thaddeus' own material. The chest is still open, he is on a slew of chemical drips, he is still chemically paralyze and on a breathing machine, but his heart is beating well on its own. Well, physically on his own. He has drugs to constrict some blood vessels, raise his blood pressure, and adrenaline, but physically it is all on its own. So far the rhythm is doing well. 

He has had a stable 6 hours and we are heading back to Ronald McDonald house to get some rest. I had been determined to stay with him, but he is doing well enough, so far, that we will take a break. (There is a couch/bed in the room but it isn't great for sleeping on.) 

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