It has been several months since my last update and I have a few things to report, but as is usual for Thaddeus, there are more questions than answers.
First the good news. He seems to be growing well. At his last checkup he was 75 percentile for weight, 50th percentile for height, and 95th percentile for head circumference. He is happy most of the time as long as he is fed and someone is within his line of sight. He loves to jump around and stand for a long time. He doesn't have the balance yet, but he sure has the leg muscles.
Dede took him into the developmental clinic a while back. The tested him to see if his development is on track or not. Unfortunately, he had a cold at the time, so they think some of his data may be off due to his cold. The tests showed that his hearing was not up to par. That may have been due to fluid in his ears from the cold. Of course it is also possible that it is due to the way the test was conducted. They put Thaddeus in a quiet room and then played soft nosies to see if he would respond. Personally I think this test is a bit suspect due to the fact that it assumes the child will care enough to respond to a quiet noise. This may be true for many kids, but I am not sure it holds true for a boy with 4 brothers and a sister, 3 of whom combine to play musical instruments.
He also tested behind on his gross motor skills. His fine motor skills were right on. So in other words, he can reach for a small toy and pick it up, but if he starts to fall, he generally just lets himself fall. He also show no interest in crawling or walking. If he really wants to get somewhere badly enough, he rolls there. He also did not seem to respond to his name more than any other noise. (Maybe that is due to being called Quintin so much . . . .)
He was scheduled to have a circumcision and echo cardiogram done a few weeks ago. Unfortunately no one told us that we had to stop his daily aspirin dose before this. In fact the nurse that called Dede to discuss things pre surgery, didn't even realize Thaddeus was on aspirin until Dede mentioned it to her. As a result they had to cancel the circumcision. This means the echo is canceled as well. Since they have to sedate him for both procedures, they want to do both on the same day and not sedate him twice. Since they canceled it (back on the 7th) we have not been able to get anyone to schedule a new date. The issue comes in that we are trying to coordinate several different people and their schedules. We need the surgeon, the cardiologist, and he anesthesiologist. They all have different schedulers and we can't seem to get any of them to talk to each other. Lately it feels like we can't get them to even call us back. So, we don't have any idea when that will be rescheduled. Dede is also getting the run around from the developmental clinic, so we don't know when, if ever, we will take him back in for follow up tests now that his cold is gone.
SO the long and the short of it is that as far as we can see, he looks great! If you think he looks good in the picture, you should see him bouncing around in live action. He has a smile for everyone and laughs at most anything. He even cheered for himself a few days ago when after much effort he managed to get a toy that had seemed just out of reach. However, as far as the heart's workings and his developmental progress, we still really don't know.
First the good news. He seems to be growing well. At his last checkup he was 75 percentile for weight, 50th percentile for height, and 95th percentile for head circumference. He is happy most of the time as long as he is fed and someone is within his line of sight. He loves to jump around and stand for a long time. He doesn't have the balance yet, but he sure has the leg muscles.
Dede took him into the developmental clinic a while back. The tested him to see if his development is on track or not. Unfortunately, he had a cold at the time, so they think some of his data may be off due to his cold. The tests showed that his hearing was not up to par. That may have been due to fluid in his ears from the cold. Of course it is also possible that it is due to the way the test was conducted. They put Thaddeus in a quiet room and then played soft nosies to see if he would respond. Personally I think this test is a bit suspect due to the fact that it assumes the child will care enough to respond to a quiet noise. This may be true for many kids, but I am not sure it holds true for a boy with 4 brothers and a sister, 3 of whom combine to play musical instruments.
He also tested behind on his gross motor skills. His fine motor skills were right on. So in other words, he can reach for a small toy and pick it up, but if he starts to fall, he generally just lets himself fall. He also show no interest in crawling or walking. If he really wants to get somewhere badly enough, he rolls there. He also did not seem to respond to his name more than any other noise. (Maybe that is due to being called Quintin so much . . . .)
He was scheduled to have a circumcision and echo cardiogram done a few weeks ago. Unfortunately no one told us that we had to stop his daily aspirin dose before this. In fact the nurse that called Dede to discuss things pre surgery, didn't even realize Thaddeus was on aspirin until Dede mentioned it to her. As a result they had to cancel the circumcision. This means the echo is canceled as well. Since they have to sedate him for both procedures, they want to do both on the same day and not sedate him twice. Since they canceled it (back on the 7th) we have not been able to get anyone to schedule a new date. The issue comes in that we are trying to coordinate several different people and their schedules. We need the surgeon, the cardiologist, and he anesthesiologist. They all have different schedulers and we can't seem to get any of them to talk to each other. Lately it feels like we can't get them to even call us back. So, we don't have any idea when that will be rescheduled. Dede is also getting the run around from the developmental clinic, so we don't know when, if ever, we will take him back in for follow up tests now that his cold is gone.
SO the long and the short of it is that as far as we can see, he looks great! If you think he looks good in the picture, you should see him bouncing around in live action. He has a smile for everyone and laughs at most anything. He even cheered for himself a few days ago when after much effort he managed to get a toy that had seemed just out of reach. However, as far as the heart's workings and his developmental progress, we still really don't know.