Our little miracle child was born five years ago, today! Who could have predicted how big, active, and healthy he'd be by now! As you know, he had a procedure done in January to close his fenestration. You also know that after that was done his pulse-ox number went from around 85% to 95%. What you don't know is that he went in a month later and his pulse-ox was up at 98%! Fols with both halves of their heart are usually in the 99% to 100% range. This is the highest he has ever been in his entire five years. (Or as Thaddeus put it, a "long, long, long, long, long time ago I was born".)
There is still some concern about the size of his left pulmonary artery (lpa) since in January they only got a 2D view. They can see that it is 'tall' enough to be ok, but as far as they know, it could be only a millimeter 'deep'. They would like to get a better image next time he is in to get a 3D picture. However, on the plus side, they are so happy with how he is doing now that they don't feel the need to do that until October! SO, keep up the prayers, they are working!
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